Non-conformity is the most important characteristic to have when being a transcendentalist because it sets oneself aside from the crowd. It's like being the black sheep in the family, it's not a bad thing it actually makes one more unique. I do not believe a person should try to change who they are to try and get the people's approval because no matter what people will judge each other and they may not be accepting no matter how hard you try to fit in. Doing what an individual thinks is right is the way to go because following personal beliefs is more important than worrying about everything else. However, I do get a bit confused when it comes to non-conformity and self reliance because they complement each other so well that it's hard to set them apart. Without being confident about who one is , non-conformity would not exist because no one can stand out without believing in themselves and what they stand for first. I must admit I try to be a non-conformist but it gets hard at times because you sometimes get left out and that's not a good feeling, especially in high school because you're still finding your way and who you want to be. However, what I believe conquers other people's thoughts and I am introduced to others that have similar beliefs. Diversity is very important in the world because without it we might as well all be robots doing the same tasks everyday. Non-conformity encourages diversity more than any other characteristic. Because of this specific trait the world has evolved into something much more than what it would've been.

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    Maria Jose Jaramillo

    A non-conformist hoping to change the world even the slightest bit to become a better place.


    November 2013

